
第一百四十四章 三月份的回信(英文版)

Dear Glimmer:

When I wrote a letter it wasn't too long before I met you last time but I still miss you very much. I like your long black hair very much. I've been thinking about dying my red hair black.

I can't write your name in Chinese. Actually I think your Chinese name is better. I hope you can tell me how to spell your name in Chinese and English when you reply me next time.

I think we can stop using pen names. I want to call you Yao and you can call me Nora directly.

The situation has been turbulent lately but it has been brought under the control of the Acting President. Although he is still acting president I think he would be likely to be our new president.

The presidential election will also be ahead of schedule. Perhaps by the time this letter is delivered I will begin to write you a letter telling you who our new president is. Of course you should also be able to see the new president in the news of your country.

Most people are quite satisfied with the acting president. It wasn't long before he took office but we could feel that the country was changing better.

On the day I wrote this letter the German president apologized for the Nazi massacre but the history would remember it all.

But it's at least a good thing because history is going forward after all. The mistakes of the past should not be borne by the generations as long as they would not make the same mistakes. That's what I think and you?

A science fiction thing happened recently that the first cloned monkey was cloned successfully.

Monkeys are close relatives to humans. Does this mean that humans will soon be cloned?

This is really a crazy thing.

If I had been cloned and then someone who looked exactly like me and even had all my memories he replaced me and killed me was I alive or dead?

Human science and technology are developing so fast. Many of the scariest scenes written in science fiction appeared in my lifetime.

Before that I thought they were far away from me.

I wonder what I can see in my lifetime is the destruction of mankind or the prosperity of human beings the rush out of the solar system and to the more distant stars.

Glimmer if you were given a chance to travel in the universe but not necessarily come back would you choose to go?

I think I might go.

Because I really yearn for the mysterious space. I couldn't sleep many nights imaging the mighty stars.

Would there be black holes that allow people to cross past or future and cracks that allow people to enter high dimensional space?

Nature is so magnificent. Can humans really explore all its mysteries?

In other words I was going to send you military rations that you thought were good last time but I gave up because the customs inspection procedure was too complicated and troublesome. I just sent you the little dried fish that I made by myself in the letter. I've tasted two and it tastes good. You can eat it directly or with a drink or water or you will feel salty.

Is it spring in your place now?

Although there is spring in Moscow it usually comes late and the temperature is not as high as yours.

I don't know if there are cherry trees in your place.

I used to think that cherry trees were native Japanese trees but then I learned that the original seedlings were also passed from your country. Every time I study the history of your country I always find many things that amaze me. Such a vast history full of vicissitudes really makes people envious sometimes.

Can you pick a few cherry blossoms to make a bookmark and mail them to me if that' all right?

Although we have here I always feel that it does not seem as beautiful as I thought perhaps because of different varieties.

HMM...If there is no cherry tree you can also find some other wild flowers. It is pretty interesting to make the unknown colorful flowers into bookmarks.

Time really flies. If we send it again every time we hear from each other we can only get six letters a year because I send it to you for a month and you send it back for another month.

When will the mail be shipped faster?

But perhaps it is because of the slow speed of the delivery of the letter that people feel a sense of precipitation upon opening the letter right?

What ink do you use Glimmer?

The last time I opened the letter with a faint aroma of fruit. Is there such a novelty ink in your country?

I like to use a pen when I write letters that is an old hand-made pen native to Russia. I don't know exactly how to write in English and I'll tell you next time I find out.

The brand of this pen is full of historical sedimentation. Its shape was almost the same as it was with an industrial beauty. It's just that this one I bought is handmade.

But in my opinion hand-made pens seem to be more rugged than factory lines.

As summer approaches I will graduate from my senior year.

I had been certified as an engineer in my junior year but I had to accumulate a few more years of experience to take the senior engineer.

I wonder if I'm going to your country to accumulate experience or just stay in my country.

Actually I'm very want to go.

I want to feel the warm climate and have a look at the bone-chilling and cold seas in the south.

I just don't know if I will be employed by your country's companies with my current professional level.

But I think I shouldn't be short of jobs if your country wants to boost infrastructures. There may be some trouble in communication because I cannot speak Chinese.

But most problems may be solved in English.

I have almost nothing but a graduation thesis. The paper will be finished soon and I should probably learn a little Chinese for the rest of the time.

Can I go to play with you when I get your country?

It will be just summer when we can go to the seaside for a cruise sunbathing or fishing.

I can't wait to stepping on a soft beach. That will be wonderful!

The last time you told me you wanted to be a doctor. I think the idea is good but it may be difficult.

You may be able to save a lot of people but you will certainly not.

Will you be sad because you feel helpless?

Will you be lost because of the misunderstanding of the family members of the bereaved?

I think it's the case all over the world that a doctor who fails to save a patient is recognized as an enemy by the extreme family members.

So I hope you must think carefully whether you really decide to do so.

You should think about whether you can withstand that pressure.

If not it might be better to do other work.

Have you ever considered programming?

It's also a good new major and there only be more and more applications later.

Of course you can choose art but it may be different.

I also wanted to be an animal trainer and a painter before choosing an engineer but I gave up and finally chose the civil engineering major.

I've been thinking to obtain a master's degree and a doctor's degree after graduation but I think that's a long time.

After all those years I am nearly thirty years old. Will it be too late to get into work again?

I think we can master a lot of knowledge from the practice. I can obtain a master's degree and a doctor's degree in my spare time.

As a matter of fact people should not stop studying in their whole life so it should be fine with this goal in a decade.

Glimmer you said before you wanted to travel around the world. But I think it's too hard to make it happen.

Unless you are a daughter of the rich it is not realistic to play outside all your life.

Perhaps it may come true being a best-selling author or famous painter or something - Because you can continue to create in the course of travel anywhere and anytime.

Of course it's too far away to think about it. Plans can' t keep up with changes. Maybe you'll have other ideas later.

At this point I suddenly remembered what I had written at the beginning - did I say I was going to dye a black hair?

I wrote the first half yesterday and today I suddenly don't want to dye it.

Because I think the natural appearance is the most beautiful. Isn't my red hair pretty too?

Or do you think I should change my hair color occasionally?

Do the schools in your country allow students to dye their hair?

There are no restrictions in my high school or college.

When I read the news I always feel that schools in your country are too strict with students. Students should be given a little freedom at least in their hair color and hair style so that they have their own personality. Or else they all are assembly line products.

Of course this is just my personal opinions. After all the modern education has not been implemented long. I'm afraid history is the only way to tell us which one is right.

I have written so much at a glance of the letter.

It's time for me to go to dinner.

Should there be a proper ending?

It's boring to end with a routine.

So this time......

May you develop better and better especially the chest can grow as big as me!

Hee hee.

I am looking forward to your reply.

- Morningstar (Nora Elantra Ivy)

February 18 2000.






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